Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Another Holiday Bonus

Enjoying some time in the "Reacher" zone during the break. This one was loaned to me a while back by a co-worker and I am just now getting around to picking it up. Enjoying it thus far and looking forward to finishing it so I can get another.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Santa was good to Blythe

Just when I thought Christmas with Blythe and Kate couldn't get better, Kate made a Santa surprise display for Blythe to wake up to. I loved waking up to surprises on Christmas morning as a kid and it was fun to watch Blythe explore all of hers this morning. To top it all off, Kate prepared an outstanding Christmas breakfast of eggs, bacon, cinnamon buns, and fruit.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Helpful Links and Information for Chapters One and Two of Intervention

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Helpful Links and Information for Chapters One and Two of Intervention

I have really enjoyed the emails and positive reviews about my new book, Intervention.Intervention cover 300px This book was a long journey into the night, but it is really how I approach things. I had this idea to provide some "answers" to the basic questions that come up…and just some fun resources that might help you on this voyage towards your fitness goals.

First, two quick references that are early in the book.

Euclid's Postulates

1. A straight line segment can be drawn joining any two points.

I wasn't even close!

Genesis Chapter Three

When they heard the sound of the LORD God walking about in the garden at the breezy time of the day, the man and his wife hid themselves from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. The LORD God then called to the man and asked him: Where are you?

Euclid and Genesis provide the framework for much of my insights about goal setting. Your goal is Point B, your starting position is Point A and my first task is to ask you "Where are you?" Next, usually, it is my task to tell you that you are not, sadly, even on the line from A to B.

I reference my other works, "Mass Made Simple" and the DVD of  Intervention early in the work. You can find them here.

For more information on the Functional Movement Screen, hit their website here.

Recently, we have had an interesting discussion at the Q and A concerning a simple "Stand Up" assessment and I will be adding it for my clients and athletes. You can see the test here.

If you don't know about my friend, Pavel, you can read more about him here at his new site.

Pavel and I wrote a book, Easy Strength, noted in the book and it is available here.

I have been a huge fan of Phil Maffetone since, I think, the 1980s. This will link you to his site.

Leigh Peele, a fantastic trainer with a great website (thanks for showing me this, Josh Hillis), has a great little explanation of bodyfat percentages with pics. This is very helpful.<...

Sent from my iPhone How to perform the Farmer's Walk

Check out this video on YouTube:

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Next Race with Kate

Looking forward to this race with Kate and some of my co-workers-

Should also provide some good prep for the Fort Yargo half marathon coming up shortly thereafter.

Custom Artisian Carpentry

Met the owner of this business yesterday at a social gathering. Really a nice guy with an outstanding talent.

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Running with Kate

Logged some quality miles with Kate today. We enjoyed our run all over town this morning even though it was pretty chilly.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Candid Interview about Intervention.

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A Candid Interview about Intervention.

This will be easy to access, too. It is on the YouTube!

Pat asks good questions and it makes my job easier, frankly.

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FS and OHS with sprints in between

Mixed sprints in after every set of front squats and overhead squats today which trashed my legs much more than I had originally planned on....solid workout though. It was a great way to kick off the break!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Solid run and snatch tonight..

Had a solid training run tonight and my body weight snatch is hopefully about two to three weeks from happening. Starting to visualize it on every lift now and am looking forward to crossing it off my goal sheet.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Blythe's poops the tub in revolt to vegetables..

So, Kate takes the evening off to see some friends and leaves Blythe and I to eat, bathe, and do bedtime. Nothing out of the ordinary as I've done all the above before with no problems. I was looking forward to hanging with Blythe and Kate getting to see her girlfriends. It begins with dinner when Blythe starts kicking back green beans I give her. Little did I know she had a plan of retaliation against the vegetable time at dinner. Next, I figured she would probably enjoy a bubble bath since she likes to play in the bubbles. We move to the tub, the bath begins and I give her some time to play as usual. I notice two funny little stares Blythe passes my way and I just laugh at them (apparently these were my warning looks). The funny and dangerous part of a bubble bath is that you cannot see what's beneath the surface.....So... apparently, Blythe decided that it would be funny to poop in the tub since dad wouldn't see it for a while and he'd have to us his "special" brain to figure out a way to clean the tub, complete the bath, sanitize the toys, and do all with as little interaction with the poop as possible and without the brains of the house (Kate) around. Beware, if you make this princess in the picture eat too many vegetables she will tub poop! #goodstuff, #tubpooper, #bubblebathisdangerous, #solonightwithdad, #neveradullmoment, #blythesrevenge, #lovebeingAdad

Kate and Blythe's gingerbread house