Friday, August 24, 2012

Wolfenstein Day 3

Tired, had a good lift but wasn't happy with my numbers as a whole. Came off a two day slouch and was glad to get back in the saddle. Feel like I need to study the Olympic lifts a lot more to get the form right.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Wolfenstein Day 2

21 minutes of hills, stadiums, and regular sprints left me winded and feeling like I have bricks for feet.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Wolfenstein Day 1

Legs are tired, got gassed on the snatch and had a hard time focussing on balance with it as well as with overhead squats. Got pretty queasy a quarter way into the workout.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Operation Wolfenstein

Operation Wolfenstein- All lifts are done on an 8-6-4 progression with weight increasing on every set. I programmed this plan out of a love for Olympic Lifts, powerlifting lifts, power tower movements, and an obsession with this 1980's Notre Dame Weight Training book I've had forever. My plan is to export workout logs weekly, asses data for progress levels, tweak if needed, and in the end publish about six weeks of data for this program on the blog.

Front Squat
Overhead Squat
Hanging Leg Raise

Running or Cycling
Ab Wheel
Weighted Vest Uphill Walk/Jog

Chinup (with dip belt)
Dead lift
Clean and Jerk
Standing Bicep Curl
Seated Preacher Curl
Roman Chair

Running or Cycling
Ab Wheel
Weighted Vest Uphill Walk/Jog

Dip (with dip belt)
Pull up (with dip belt)
Dumbbell Bench
Dumbbell Incline Bench
Dumbbell Seated Military Press
Leg Raises off Bench