Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gaming, lifting, and a general update

Recently I have been getting back into some of my older ps2 titles. I snagged a copy of half life for $5 off Craigslist and have been really enjoying the game. I see a connection between half life and the dead space series on my ps3. Both are kind of sci-fi shooters/thrillers. I have also been getting some iPhone gaming in recently. I purchased Rage and original Doom and am enjoying both. I think you can never go wrong with anything ID Software makes. It's been kind of nice to always have a mobile Doom fix on hand. I'm not sure what it is about that game but, I continually come back to it. I always think its the nostalgic value and the fact that I was never allowed to play it in my youth. I remember watching my neighbor play it on his fancy pc that had 16mb of ram! I always thought it was the coolest. Lastly, I have been getting into eBay more lately. My new thing is trying to flip games for a profit and as usual, snagging old cheap games for my collection. I recently bought chessmaster for ps one and a strategy guide for my copy of half life. I got so excited looking at the manual for half life, I figured I'd see how much a strategy guide could benefit me. I'm super slow to beat games and I love the cover art associated with games so again, I thought the guide might be something I would enjoy, plus they are pretty cheap.

I have been on my six day plan for a while now and have actually made gains! My power cleans, military press, curls, dead lifts, and bench have all shown growth in my recent data. I ran today with a co worker which was great because we think very similarly and it is always nice to have someone around like that to bounce ideas off of and motivate you through workouts. I ran for the previous two days and although today was a good run..it was a reality check too. My body shouted at me to take a break. I felt a really strong urge to give myself a few days rest. I have a horrible mental problem with taking time off but I know it is necessary right now. I'm looking forward to the gains this will help create when I come back to the next lift cycle. I am also planning to try and start a new eating regimen that will hopefully help me get back some mass in a lean way. I'm very nervous to steer outside of my daily calorie allotment but I'm hoping boosting protein won't cause any fat gain. Losing 30lbs has been great but, I'm tired of feeling like a toothpick at 150lbs! I have a feeling I may be going into the crossfit realm again but with a more serious approach this time. I'd like to get a few more weeks of data from my current plan an then move into WODs. For now though...I'm taking a little time off to heal and grow..

Great quick trail run today with my coworker. Pace was nice and...

A shot from the Garmin

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Great quick trail run today with my coworker. Pace was nice and...

Great quick trail run today with my coworker. Pace was nice and quick and his fancy watch linked it all together.

My body already feels better from the self inflicted exile from lifting heavy things over my head.

Met my lady and kiddos for pizza afterwards and got a lot of stares from others around the restaurant. 1/2 looked at the tattoos which is normal for me, but the other 1/2 kept staring at my shorts.

If hitting 40 in 2 months and I refuse to run in long shorts anymore. Proper not friction shorty running shorts are my required uniform.

All in favor of shorty running shorts that are totally appropriate and fit correctly, say I

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4 Georgia trail miles tomorrow- Goal under 40 minutes

I enjoyed this run with a  co worker today.

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4 Georgia trail miles tomorrow- Goal under 40 minutes

4 Georgia trail miles tomorrow- Goal under 40 minutes

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