Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sells's Class webpage

Our class now has a wikispaces webpage! The kids are loving it and, I am really enjoying it as well. I love updating the site daily with work, discussion topics, and content for our classes. It is definitely in the beginning stages now and has a lot more room to grow. Check out our basic Basic Reading and Writing page if you would like to see some of our class Power Points that students have made. Currently we are working through a Physical Science unit so, that page also has some recent content available for viewing. Our site can be found here-

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dan John: Goal Setting

Check out this video on YouTube:

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Dan John Teaching the Snatch

Check out this video on YouTube:

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dan john perfecting the kettlebell swing

Check out this video on YouTube:

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“But, this is how I know you didn’t do it…”

Dan shares the "Big 21" ...tough!

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"But, this is how I know you didn't do it…"

Sometimes, I answer too many questions. My wife, as many of you know, was/is a Hemingway…yes THOSE Hemingways…and I need to practice talking like Uncle Earnie:

Click here to view the embedded video.

You see, it comes to this sometimes: people ask me questions because their mouths can formulate noises and these noises can heard by my ears to make my brain work. The questioner has the ability to literally ask anything as my friend Crazy Jerry used to say: "You have a Toyota in your nose." You can say the sentence, but it means nothing.

I have this believe that you can only train HARD in blocks of two, four, six and, maybe, eight weeks. Then, you slide back to "medium." For dieting purposes, the great ones get it: Atkins Two Week Induction is genius. Chris Shugart's Velocity Diet of 28 days of practically nothing but protein shakes works. After those short intense bouts with food, you are different: celery becomes butter and carrots are candy. It's hard to live normally like that. Now, we all know that the best diet and exercise program for fat loss is found in the book, "The Road." I enjoy telling people it is a delightful comedy…

Most of the time, you need to do those wonderful workouts that I love to call "Punch the Clock" workouts. I suggest doing all the basic human movements, work on your issues with corrective work as you need it, improve your technique on one or two exercises, break a good solid sweat and get the heart rate up and pat yourself wisely on the back. As I said in a recent interview, most people have three hard workouts a year: Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the first week of January and they put it off again until next New Year's Day.

I think 200 easy workouts a year or even as few as 150 (three times a week with a little vacation) trumps those three hard ones each and every time. Of course, with "easy" and "hard" and "medium, your mileage may vary, but you get the point.

Oh, I LOVE hard workouts. I have dozens of them that I can give you. But, well, that's the issue. My program, Mass Made Simple, is NOT the kind of thing one should attempt lightly. I get emails with "I can't squat," "I don't have a bar," or "I don't want to lift heavy" and, frankly, this is not the Mass Made Simple Mentality. I think it would be possible to do MMS twice a year as a teen. After that, once a year would be a lot. It takes a lot of time, energy and discipline to do this program and it is a sell out system for six weeks.

I'm not sure you can do this and recover from hip surgery. I'm just guessing here, of course. This would be hard to do when on vacation. It would be really hard to do if you have six kids during Christmas.

What's my point. There...

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Manage Your Options!

Another great one from Dan John!

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Manage Your Options!

The problem with the Strength, Conditioning and Fitness community today is that we have all fallen in love with the videos of NFL guys or SEALs or UFC fighters do this and that and this prepping for something. Yeah. Me, too. I want to be that guy. I'm going to buy some tribal tats and some clothes that hug every inch of me and crank up the noise and…

And, that is great. Bless you. Then, comes the reality check: I'm always the biggest guy in the picture and I was four inches too short for my position to play in the NFL. I didn't join the Navy, so, well, that option was out and, to be honest, if you have never been punched in the face, I'm not sure why you would want to find out how it feels in a televised event.

For most of us who are trying to scrub a few pounds of fat that has frowned over the belt or compete in a sport with a just a few qualities, we can get caught up in all of this stuff. And that is the problem. As I have noted endlessly: "Everything works…for about six weeks!" Then what? I'm not going to abandon you here, just follow along for a few minutes.

Years ago, Doctor Tom Fahey told me that all an elite level discus thrower needed for strength levels was the following:

Bench Press: 400

Squat: 450

Snatch: 250

Clean: 300

To be honest, for the average person, these are big numbers, but in the area of strength training, they are modest. To get to these numbers, it would take two to five years of concentrated training for a person with a thrower's body and mentality. At the bodyweight of most throwers, those numbers work out to two "F's" and two "D's" when you compare them to the world record for the sport specialist. That is a lousy GPA!

In my case, I basically benched for four years, then Olympic lifting only for the rest of my career. In hindsight, I think it was an error as a blend of the two sports may have been best. One of my favorite articles of all times notes:

*"Brian Oldfield, Al Feuerbach, Bruce Wilhelm, and Sam Walker favored the quick lifts, while George Woods and Randy Matson leaned toward the strength lifts. …if there was any real consensus among the champion shotputters, it was that a mixture of quick and strength lifts is effective."

Dave Davis, Track Technique, March and June 1974

Here is the issue for a discus thrower, and in a moment I will expand this out to most people: One can achieve the highest levels of strength for throwing through several routes. These include:

Olympic lifting

Power lifting

Strongman Training

Highland Games

Power Bodybuilding

Frankly, they all work. I'm sure that blending these some how would work better than just doing one, but that would be a tough experiment and probably would involve a Time Machine, like the one I am working on.

You see, these schools of strength training are "Options." If there is a key to understanding Quadrant ...

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hate time off...

So, last week I gave my six day plan a break for the first time in a long while. I put the weights down and just continued my 3 day run plan. It worked out great and I was feeling super refreshed to start lifting this week until.....I got sick. So..I'm now one run into this week and I've forced myself not to lift or do anything else since my last run. The only aid is the fact that my team of motivators and workout partners is also sick. Aside from has been horrible trying not to workout. One of my training partners has the same issue and we both feel like we are wasting away into weakness. These times really point out my complex with lifting and running and missing workouts as well as resting. I guess sneezing and blowing my nose while typing this should be my cue to give things a break. The current plan is to get in two more runs this week as long as the bug goes away. If all goes well, I'm looking for a Friday/Sat run.. Counting kcals has been my only way to stay connected with my fitness goals for now..

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saturday morning 10 mile

Had an exhilarating 10 mi run this morning. It was sensory overload for me because I tried a new route. I enjoyed road, trail, and gravel throughout the run. While in the woods I had to take off my headphones just to be able to take in all the new scenery and noises. Thankfully, I only had one dog run in that was quickly resolved. I also learned that taking a little time off from my 6 day training cycle was a great idea. My legs felt good today and I was fresh for the run. Looking forward to the Yargo half coming up in a few weeks.