So, this posting initiated from our recent new camera purchase. Kate and I had to get a new camera before the baby comes so I may or may not have decided to learn to use the camera via weight room photos.. I was just hoping to practice taking some shots a give a glimpse of our work out room.
Overview of the power tower, weight tree, and treadmill in the background.
Weight tree with some extra bars....
Weighted vest or what I like to call the torture vest, knocked out two miles with this thing one night around the subdivision and burned out the knees for a few days.
Another shot of the weight tree
The back to the roman chair portion of the power tower
Treadmill that has a good many miles on it and was getting used a good bit until I started getting into long runs and the treadmill became too boring
Overall shot of the bench area
My dad bought me this book at a library sale for 75cents I have been using it for the last 5 years off and on.
Shot of the pushup bars on the power tower, spent a lot of nights here and also use them to transition between burpees