Monday, September 17, 2012

Dual certified!

So glad to finally be gen-Ed and special Ed certified! Middle grades social science back up plan complete!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Wolfenstein Update

Wolfenstein is alive and well..I just have not had time to post logs. Recently, I saw gains in OHS and FS!

J. Post

The man, the myth, the legend..John Post. A quick pic from our J. Post going away party. He was by far one of the best para's we have had at CCHS and will be greatly missed and never forgotten!

Gift from Scotland!

Mom brought me back a St. Andrews hat, a Glenlivet shot glass and some amazing scotch.

Ready to hit the beach!

Legendary Softball team!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Fall Run

Felt good to shut the brain off and just run tonight in this cool weather.

Hand of a SPED teacher..

Thanks student for biting and clawing me while I tried to prevent you from self mutilating your own body...your poo hand attacks always take a good month to heal..

The wild world of never know when your gonna be changing diapers or getting attacked..